Knit and Tell #1

This is a picture of my second project ever.

So, I figured out how to download pictures from my camera to the computer and now how to post them to the internet. I swear I am getting too old for this technology crap. Ha Ha just kidding. I actually think it is pretty neat. I always get a little frustrated at first because I don't know what I am doing or how it actually works. But, once I figure it out, well then I love the stuff. So soon I will post a picture of the scarf I am working on now. It has a bunch of crazy colors in it. My friend that I am making it for loves crazy colors. She is an artist. A very good one I must say. Well, just wanted to try posting a picture. Now back to knitting. :)
P.S. I am soo excited. I know this is going to sound stupid, but since I am the only one reading this, here goes. I figured out how to put one of those picture link thingies onto my blog. Ha Ha now I am a web genius. I know we've been over this genius thing before, but well, what can I say. I am a genius. Ha Ha!!!!!!!!
Wow. the first comment ever and it's all for me.
That's a gorgeous picture. Why does my work never photograph that well?
Keep the blog. I'll read it!
-Lissa from Canada who found you through KnitFan
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