A Day to Go Down in History!!!

Scarf # 2

Dear Readers, And you know who you are, I must say I am speechless. Well, as that is impossible, I will say I am very very very Happy!!!! Yes, there is a reader. Perhaps just the one, but one is all I need. So, Thankyou Reader!!! I certainly have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. I am going to visit my mom for about a week, so no posts then as I won't have access to a computer. But on the bright side I will try to post before and after I go so there won't be too much lag time. Also, I will be spending Christmas with the in-laws, so two weeks away from the computer. Not too terrible as I hope everyone will find other things to do during the Holidays. Better, heartwarming, fun, things.
Well, on to knitting. There above is the the picture of the scarf I knit for my friend. Very colorful. But, I think it could look really good with jeans and a bright t-shirt. (Notice that it looks similar to the other scarf that I knit. Yup! you guessed it. I knit the same pattern as the one for me.) Also, after it is washed a bunch I bet it will be really soft. So there is that.
I finished the deformed mitten. It looks ok. It actually fits my boyfriend. It was supposed to fit me. HA Ha ha! Well, I think I measured my gauge wrong as well as following the instructions wrong. But, as the mitten was only for practice, well I must say I learned a lot from it. No, there won't be pictures of the mitten. What? and ruin my reputation as the world's greatest knitter? Never!!
Well, so I have started on another project. It is a hat, they call it a tam. I am knitting it as I am soon to brave the frozen North. (to visit my mom) It should be snowing up there by now so I am preparing myself for the worst. I used to live up there, but now I am used to the California sunshine so I am preparing for a week of being cold. Hopefully, cute, but cold. I am making the tam out of Red Heart TLC Amore. This is actually a really cute yarn. Red Heart aside. It resembles a towel. Sort of fuzzy like that. Only softer and cuter. Anyway you can't beat the price. As I am in the ranks of the unemployed right now, cheap is good. But, enough can't be said for this yarn. I like to think I have taste. And I think this yarn is really cool. Soft and fuzzy. I have a penchant for soft and fuzzy. It is multicolored, navy, and purples. Purple is my favorite color. If I have time I will try to knit a scarf that matches. I bought two skeins of the stuff, so that should be plenty. Well, that is all for now. Happy knitting!!!
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