Come to me, my pretties.

Dear, readers, here are pictures of the scarf I am crocheting. I am afraid they don't really do justice to the actual piece. It is made of Sinsation. A very lovely chenille type yarn. This feels like velvet. Very soft. And it really is that bright red color. The texture it really cool, but doesn't really show that well in the photos. It just sort of looks lumpy. But in reality, it is quite nice. I made one just like this except in a very dark purple, for a friend of mine. It was fabu. So I thought I would make me one. This is a sort of Christmas party scarf, don't ya think?
Also, I started working on one of the Elizabeth I scarves. I bought the alpaca lace yarn from Knitpicks. And the pattern called for 4-6US size needles. So I got 4's. And I started knitting and I must say that I am not at all happy with the results. It is very loopy. And the one in the picture in the catalog is not as loopy. So I started to freak out about it. But then my rational self said. Well why not try(oh MY goodness) SMALLER needles. So I called a LYS. As there are many near my house. Ain't L.A. great? (There must be like 10 small LYS near my house. Not to mention all the ones not near me. Like Suss and Jenifer Knits. I think those are in Brentwood or Beverly Hills) And they had size 2US. Needles. Oh, did I mention that I wanted Bryspun flex needles. Well I had to have those. And the store I work at doesn't carry those. I think they are great lace needles. The tips are awsome. I like the material they are made out of too. I am sorry I don't have a whole set of those. But, who knew I would like them so much. Any hoo. I digress. So, I might get size 2 and 3's and see how I like those better. But my god. I thought the 4's were tiny. Sigh. I think this scarf might take me the rest of my life to knit.
So I guess I should finish some of my other projects in the mean time. Sigh. Why is it that I don't really want to work on them any more? Must force myself. Must knit WIPS. Must make FOs. Well untill next episode. Happy Knitting!!! And remember, there are still more pictures to come. Wait till you see the lace. Sooooo pretty.
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