Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Just gathering wool.

I've been thinking, my friends, what makes a WIP a UFO. How much time does the dreaded transformation take? Is it a matter of time? Maybe. Maybe not. Difficulty. Yarn choice. Color. Attention span. I think it is a complicated combination of some or most of the aforementioned.

I read a blog today by the designer of the Mariah on,
Jodi Green. She has ten, yes TEN, projects that haven't been finished. (Obviously she is in totally different league.) I on the other hand have been obsessing about the one hat that I haven't finished besides the poncho that I am currently working on. I have bought some new yarn to make a sweater jacket-cardigan thingy with, and have yarn for a vest, some hats and various other things. And yet I am constantly thinking of new things I would like to knit.

It is hard to get myself interested in the yarn I already have. I want new yarn. Why is that my friends. Just a short time ago, that was new yarn. It is not less pretty or less soft than it was before. Perhaps I think too much and should just shut up and knit.
So let it be knitted, so let it be done.
(That is a mutated quotation from the movie THE TEN COMMANDMENTS said originally by the hunky and bald (and no less hunky because he was bald, Yul Brenner.)


Blogger Lis said...

I think a WIP becomes a UFO when you avoid working on it to the point that you forget you ever started it, and find it one day at the bottom of your knitting basket. Or maybe it's something you work on only a few rows at a time once a month or so. I have one of those.

Never fear though! You're disciplined so far. Keep it up and you will be the envy of your peers. :)

9:59 AM  
Blogger k said...

I was thinking that the hat I am making might turn into something that I just knit once a month or so if I force myself. Or maybe I will just frog it and make something else. I have no idea.

9:08 PM  

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