Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Ooooooooh Pretties!

Well, finally dearies, I have a post with pictures. They are self explanitary, only I will explain them a bit more. The never-ending-scarf: If you look closely you will notice it pinned together (actually with locking stitch markers) I still have to sew it together where the braids meet. blaah. I don't much like finishing.

Red crochet scarf: pretty huh? I decided to put the scarfs onto something for effect. I think they looks so much prettier that way don't you. This project has been going on for some time but I wanted to get it out of the way for some more upcoming stuff I want to make. Namely some helmet liners for the Troops so they can stay warm this winter. I have started a whole charity thing at the LYS. People get a discount for yarn that they are making stuff for charity with. Plus we will probably have a couple of knit for charity days. Yay! I am very excited about this project.

Oh and the sleeve bits. Those are the start of the grey sweater with the increases in pattern. They are going ok so far, I think. But that is still all the further they have gotten. :( Well gotta go knit some Christmas Presents, but thought an update might be fun. Happy Knitt'n Y'all!


Blogger Christine said...

I read your blog, if it matters. I don't comment because I read alot of other blogs, too! Oh, and can't forget about the time thing... 5 kids, full time job and knitting! so keep it up even after SP6! And smile!

6:40 AM  

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