Thursday, September 29, 2005

This, That and The Other

Dear Readers, I seem to have a lot of free time lately in which to post. I will try to keep you entertained, at least a bit. :)

In the weather: It was 101 degrees today. HOT, HOT AND MORE HOT!!!!!!!!!!! You could cook an egg on the sidewalk, if you really wanted to. And on my screendoor handle as well. Ouch.

Not really knitting weather. But I decided to start one of the Elizabeth I scarves. I love the yarn I bought, alpaca lace yarnin the brownish purple color. Why not work on something beautiful, and really now is NOT sweater weather. I will probablly start the sweater next week or the week after. Depending on two things. If I figure out the increases in pattern and if I have the needles already. If I go down to a US 5 I will have to wait to buy the Denises 'til I have the money for them. Either that or buy the stupid size 5 in straight. Then I will have pretty much all the sizes in straights. Hmmm still deciding. I do covet the Denises though. I tried them out at work. They were nicer to knit with then I thought they would be. They are really ugly aren't they? Ugly grey plastic. I think they should have made each size a different color. I like the tips, nice and pointy. But the plastic mold left little hangy things, so a little emeryboard work is needed so they don't snag on the yarn. They would be great to travel with. I plan on traveling as much as I can in the near future(or not nearly near enough future as the case may be)

I added a button. So feel free to takey takey. I want to make one of the bigger ones. But I really like the colors I chose on this one soo... for now thats it. :)

I am also trying to join the California Knitters Net Ring. Got the code up, just have to be accepted I guess. I want to join Acrylics Anonymous too. Ha ha. No yarn snob here. At least not until I get better at knitting. :) I feel almost as if I have too much in the side bar. Hmmm. Also I would like to start and FO link, but have no clue how to do it. And I like those % done thingy-ma-bobbers too. I am not to savy in code department, so no clue.

Anyway, got an incredible headache right now. Probably dehydrated. Or toxified by some cleaning I've been attempting. (notice I did not say doing, I am the world's worst cleaner) Ok so maybe that is enough for now. Happy Knitting dearies. I love all you are doing. Your knitting is beautiful. (Yes, I have been checking up on you) ;)


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