Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Much ado about nothing

Holy Cow!! Dear Readers, I haven't updated since last Thursday. Where!!! Has!!! The Time Gone!!! Oh my. Well, nothing really is new on the knitting front. I am almost done with the knitting part of the never ending scarf. I am almost done with my red crochet scarf. (I haven't worked on that thing in like a month.) Hmmm what else. I have started knitting and am about half way through a fuzzy purple pink, blue orange, scarf like the fuzzy green one I made. I wear that thing alot so I thought I'd make another one just like it. I know, I know not much imagination there.

Someday I am going to make the Irish Hiking Scarf. I really like it. I even know what yarn I am going to use. It is the Suri Merino from Plymouth. In a sort of lavendar, green heather color. Very Pretty.

But first, I have to send my Pal a present. I wish I could tell what it is, but can't. Of course she probably has guessed who I am already. Well, no matter. I got a package from Knit Picks today. And in it was some lovely yarn for my Pal and some stuff for me. Well for me to knit anyway. I bought some of the Twirl to make into a bumpy scarf for my fsil. (Future Sister-in-law) and I bought her some yarn to learn to knit with too. In a bright pink color. Also I got the magnetic chart holder board thingy for myself. To help read the charts for my lace stuff. Which I have been totally neglecting. Bad knitter, bad.

Oh and it has been raining here . Perfect for knitting. So I should get on it. That's all for now, dearies, and Happy Knitting!

Oh and please leave lots of comments!!! All of you, no lurking this post. You can comment about anything you want (as long as it is tastful, this is a family blog, not HBO) just send me some love.


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