An Apple A Day Keeps the Doctor Away

So, dearies, what do you think of my first intarsia project? I designed the motif. I knitted it out of some tapestry yarn, the kind you might use for needlepoint.The shop I work at has some for sale for $1 a skein. Perfect for when you just need a little bit of one color and dont want to buy 200 yards. Anyhoo. It is also felted. Which by the by took a long time. I had to stick it in with my neighbors wash once. It was costing way too many quarters. he he. Well yellow doesn't felt totally because it has too much processing but I still think it came out really cute. And now it is on the Internet for all to see.
Happy Knitting!
That's really cute. I could totally see it as a patch on a denim tote or something ;)
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