Thursday, November 03, 2005

Knitting News

Fine, dear Readers, don't comment on the last post. See if I care. Be that way why don't ya!

So the shop has picked up. There were so many ladies for the sit-n-knit tonight. Too many in my estimation. When the store gets that packed I really can't stand it. It gets hot and noisy and I don't enjoy myself that much. But then I was there to work. Not have fun ;)

So I am almost to the part where you start to decrease on the Helmet Liner. I love, love, love the pattern. You knit a tube, then knit a few stitches then cast on more stitches, then knit more tube. Then you start decreasing. So cool. I thought this thing would look cute with eyes and ears added for kids. Very cute. Anyhoo I am soo excited still. I think I will continue to knit on it tonight.

Oh, I bought some yarn today. I bought Suri Merino by Plymouth in a dark blue color to make the Wavy scarf on for a present for someone. Then I bought some Fantasy Naturale also by Plymouth in purple/green and white to make an adorable baby jacket and hat set for my future sister in law's new baby girl from China. Yay! And last but not least I bought some Cascade 220 Superwash in Black. For, guess what? Yeah, you know. Another Helmetliner for the Troops. Yay! Machine washable. How great is that? He he.

Take care dearies, and Happy Knitting!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am going to start a sit-n-knit in my shop as well and I was wonderign how did you advertise your's.
Your SP6 Pal

7:49 AM  
Blogger Lis said...

Honey, I really don't think you need to worry about comments so much. Write for you, and if you do write, we will read it. A lot of us don't have anything to say, which is why we read other people's blogs. If you don't write for you, for instance as a record of your life or knitting progress, then why write? People will comment when inspired to comment.

9:08 AM  

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