Hooray Hooray for the Month of May

Can you believe dear Readers that it is already May? I cannot. How did it get to be May already? Well time flies when you are having fun as the old chestnut says. We are having unusually cold and wet weather here, but that is all well and good for knitting, so I am not complaining one bit. I have been working diligently and occasionally negligently on my brother's sweater. The above pictures are the front and the color is sort of a greeny grey closer to the bottom three pictures, than the top one. It is way too yellow. Very nice color. I have been complimented many times on the color. The yarn you ask? Well it is none other than Plymouth Encore. Now the yarn is a different matter. And the only right matter is that I like the yarn. It is not at all splitty. Which many a yarn is. And the best part is that is washible. But it is not good enough for some people. I think that since it is mostly acrylic that is why the yarn snobbery. Also it is only $5.50 a skein. Anyhoo, it is turning out lovely and that is all that really matters in the end. I hope it fits and that he likes it. Oh I haven't mentioned that the back and both sleeves are already finished. Yup. I am almost done with the knitting. Yay! Then the sewing up. But I am sure I mentioned before that I really don't mind sewing it up.
In other news, That top picture is a bag I bought to hold my current knitting project. I am afraid that I have been using plain plastic bags (the kind the shop I work at gives out) for all my projects. But I wanted to be a bit tidier and classier. So thus the nice plastic bag. I like that you can see your knitting inside it.
I am also working on a travel blanket. A beautiful red shade. In Merino Magic by Heirloom. A very nice yarn from our friends in Australia. It too is washible. Yay! Also I am working on a vest. In a cottony kind of yarn. I bought it on sale as it was being discontinued. Alas, Discontinued Yarn. The bane of a knitters existence. Sigh. Why do the good die young?
But that is a whole other thing to ponder, and I must return to my knitting. We will leave that for another day. So Happy Knitting Dearies!
P.S. I can't seem to get the spell checker thingy ma bob to work. So if my spelling is bad please blame me.
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