Hey Dearies, once again I am back, but this time with pictures. I have to say that I am all fired up about knitting again. Or shall I say talking about knitting. I have been knitting all this time and have lots to show and tell. So here we go my dears. The first picture above is my lovely baby sweater knit in Fantasy Naturale by Plymouth Yarn. It is a wonderful worsted weight cotton and it comes in a ton of colors. This is a lovely aqua, purple and white combo. This is for a brand new addition to my extended family. The buttons in the picture of the matching hat most resemble the actual color of the buttons. They matched the aqua perfectly.
I benefited greatly in finishing the sweater by the arrival for Christmas of the book The Knitters Book of Finishing Techniques by Nancie Wiseman. I tell you this is a great book. If you want your finishing to look really professional. Some ladies at the shop couldn't believe I had never finished a sweater before. They also said they had been knitting for years and had never seen a job done so well. So my dears, I was terribly flattered, but all the credit must go to the book.
Well, I also want to tell about things I am working on. Oh I finished Wavy, and I have a picture of that to show next post. And I am working on a sweater for my brother. I have the back and one sleeve done and am working on sleeve number two. Oh and the most exciting thing is the poncho thingy I am making out of all my one skein wonders. I will be putting alot of my secret pal yarn into it. I can't wait to show you. One of the ladies at my LYS made one and it is the coolest thing.
Also I made a cute intarsia design and then felted it. It came out soooo cool. I have pictures of that as well. I will put it on a felted bag. I will start the bag only when I finish the second sleeve of my brothers sweater. And dearies I have to tell you a secret. Shhhhhhhhhhhhh! I have a stash now. Yup. My LYS had a $3 a skein sale and I bought enough to make a sweater. Then I went to another yarn store who also had a $3 a skein sale and I bought enough of that to make a vest. Then I saw a pattern in k1 magazine to make a qwillow. A blanket pillow combo thingy. So I bought a bag of Merino Magic by Heirloom an Australian yarn company to make that. I bought a really beautiful red color. And the good news friends is that it is washible and the price is like $5.50 a skein. Lovely. So there is the terrible secret. And so you know that I have enough yarn and projects to write about for another year. He He
Happy Knitting Lovies!