Tuesday, November 29, 2005

My Pal is Awesome!!!!

Hi all, This post is to tell you all how awesome my pal is. After a small delay, I have received a very nice package. It contained a cute little bag that looked like a t-shirt. Three very yummy smelling candles. One of which I lit right away. It was called Moraccan Spice. Very nice. And a little votive candle holder that said something like loves to shop. He he. That certainly is me. And I got three coordinated skeins of yarn. In pinky-purplely shades.

I will post pictures later. But I really wanted everyone to know how cool my pal is. Sorry. I don't have time today to post the pictures. Possibly thursday.

Happy Knitting y'all.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Hee Hee Fast!

I have DSL now. Very Fast. I just wanted to add a quick Thankyou to my Pal. So Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou. I really have loved getting the e cards. I loved the one with the sheep.
So Have a Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the U.S. Not sure when Canada has a Thanksgiving. And enjoy the Turkey. And Happy Knitting too! Must finish, Christmas gifts. LOL!!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Nothing Much

I'm about a third of the way through with wavy from knitty.com. Yay! It is turning out beautiful and the yarn is great and so are my needles. If you are good little girls and boys, there may be a picture in your future.

I sent my pal a package. And still no package from my pal. :( Don't know what happened.

Friday I'm going wedding dress shopping with my friend and her two kids, plus an extra one. (kid that is) I'm not looking forward to the kid part. I don't think I have ever been shopping with young kids before. What a treat! (sarcasm here) Oh well. Maybe it will be fun. I am hoping. :) I haven't seen my friend in a long time so I am glad to be seeing her. If I find a dress that will be a bonus.

I can't believe that Thanksgiving is next week. Holy cow, where has the time gone. I don't care really if I get my Christmas knitting done. If they want something hand knit they will just have to wait. I'm knitting as fast as I can. :) I refuse to stress. That's all for now. Happy Knitting!

Oh and to my brother if you are reading this. I have sent you a package, too.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Ummm, still no pictures,he he.

I forgot the camera, so no pictures of helmetliner. :( But, I started once again on the wavy scarf. this time on fives. Yup, its going well. Starting to look wavy.

Still no package from the Pal. Did you send it to the right address? Hope it gets here soon. Cheery things are always welcome.

Well gotta go. A friend invited me to lunch today. She just finished her first scarf. Yay! She knit it on 35's. So it was quick, which she needed, she has two kids. And it is very cute. And she had some yarn left over to make a matching one for her daughter. Yay!!!

It is rainy here so a great day to pick up the needles. Hope you have a great day in Knitting!! Cheers.

Monday, November 07, 2005


I finished the Helmetliner. Yay!! It is at work. If I remember I will take a picture of it. It turned out very nice. I made a little mistake on the decreases. Got a little distracted in my counting so they are a little funky. But everyone says it looks cool. I picked up stitches for the first time on that project but they came out looking great. So I worried for nothing. Ha ha.

So next project the wavy scarf. I cast on for it on Saturday, but thought the 7's were too big so now I have cast on for it on sixes. The sixes I bought on Friday for 25 cents a pair. I got two sets of fives as well. They were for sale at a boutique. (Which is sort of like a crafts fair. I never heard of these until I moved to California. Aparantly people here call them boutiques. I always thought a boutique was a small shop with women's clothing in it. So go figure.)

And I bought cute earings that look like scissors. :)

So that's the news folks.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Knitting News

Fine, dear Readers, don't comment on the last post. See if I care. Be that way why don't ya!

So the shop has picked up. There were so many ladies for the sit-n-knit tonight. Too many in my estimation. When the store gets that packed I really can't stand it. It gets hot and noisy and I don't enjoy myself that much. But then I was there to work. Not have fun ;)

So I am almost to the part where you start to decrease on the Helmet Liner. I love, love, love the pattern. You knit a tube, then knit a few stitches then cast on more stitches, then knit more tube. Then you start decreasing. So cool. I thought this thing would look cute with eyes and ears added for kids. Very cute. Anyhoo I am soo excited still. I think I will continue to knit on it tonight.

Oh, I bought some yarn today. I bought Suri Merino by Plymouth in a dark blue color to make the Wavy scarf on knitty.com for a present for someone. Then I bought some Fantasy Naturale also by Plymouth in purple/green and white to make an adorable baby jacket and hat set for my future sister in law's new baby girl from China. Yay! And last but not least I bought some Cascade 220 Superwash in Black. For, guess what? Yeah, you know. Another Helmetliner for the Troops. Yay! Machine washable. How great is that? He he.

Take care dearies, and Happy Knitting!!!!

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