And the Winner Is...

Well, Dear Readers, here at last is the Branching Out scarf from
I made this as a sample for the store. It is made from Katia Ingenua. It is a little too itchy for me, it is mostly mohair. I like mohair to look at, but to wear =( Well if the yarn is mostly fake stuff with a bit of mohair I could possibly wear it . Anyway, It was really nice to work with, but I could not wear this next to my skin. With a turtleneck I could. So that is how I would wear it. I am making another one for myself with Kid Merino from Crystal Palace. It will be a lot more lacy. There is not so much mohair in it. More synth and merino than mohair. Kid Merino is a really nice yarn if you haven't seen it. It is soooo cute.
Well, not much is going on in the world of knitting for me right now. I have a zillion projects going. I counted. Its like 7 or 8. This is way too many. So the plan is to finish these and not start anything new for awhile. We will see if I can do this. This takes WILL POWER. (If you see him can you send him my way?) Also making another sample for the store. The Knit for Her Cure scarf on the front of the Spring/Summer 2005 Vogue Knitting, in the String of Pearls yarn from Muench. So that is another project added to the mix.
On a completely different subject, I painted my toe nails today. I haven't done that in a long time. They look good. It is important to have nice nails when you live in a hot climate as sandals are the rule. So, maybe I am not so depressed anymore. One can hope.
So, my dear, dear Readers, Happy Knitting, and sorry about that stupid spam message last post. I didn't even know people did that. (Roll eyes) What will they think of next. Wait, don't tell me, I don't want to know. (Sigh) No wonder people like knitting so much. No Spam. only lovely, soft yarn. Well until next time, Happy, Spam Free, Knitting!