Monday, March 28, 2005

Orange Glow on the Horizon

sweater I want to make Posted by Hello

Well, I was so anxious to get these darn pictures up so you could see that I took bad pictures. Ha Ha. Well, obviously everything is not so orange or yellow. This is a picture of the sweater, the ribbed pullover, that I will make in Sterling, wish you could see the color better.

I will do better tomorrow. It is night and I took the pictures without a flash so this is what I got. I'd do better in daylight. But, I just couldn't wait to show you. Because the mailman came today with a package. Yep, below you will see the yarn for this sweater. Its really nice. It is called Bernat Satin. I think I called it Silk earlier. Sorry to confuse you. Anyway, it is a lot like Caron Simply Soft. It also is a no dye lot yarn. Sorry all yarn snobs, but it is a nice yarn and I don't like wool, so a nice acrylic is fine for me. Although I really liked that Debbie Bliss Silk Alpaca. LOL. No money right now for a whole sweater in that. Besides, I just started knitting late last year. Should I spend a lot of money learning how to knit?

I'm going on a little rant here. I really am tired of reading yarn snobs comments about how they would never use Lion Brand Homespun or a cheap acrylic. Well, I say, if it looks nice and feels nice and the color or texture is just what you are looking for why not use it. I think if you have taste it shouldn't matter the brand. But,perhaps those snobs only think expensive is tasteful. Well, secretly, I think most of them have no taste, so they just buy the most expensive stuff hoping it will do.

Also below is the scarf I made for my friend. The picture is way too yellow. I will see if I can fix it somehow. But, for now, you get the idea. Sorry everything is so badly done. I was in a hurry to post. So now you can get an idea at least. I will try to post something better, but I still don't have batteries for the camera and I didn't want to have to wait until I got some. Well, by for now. Happy Knitting!

sterling Posted by Hello

friends scarf Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Good News/Bad News

The good news dear readers is, or I should say was, I was going to post the pictures today of all the goodies I had in store for you. The bad news is my camera batteries ran out of juice. So no pretty pictures until I get to the store and buy some new batteries. I thought I had some extra ones, but AA batteries just get eaten up by the electronics monsters. Those horrible beasties.

But, as I said before, there are wonders to be seen. LOL.

Lissa, I will be happy to tell all about Bernat Silk when it gets here on the snail mail express. (Which means it travels extra slowly) Ha Ha

Which Bernat yarn did you use on Mariah? I've looked all over your blog for the info, but can't find it. I can't quite tell from the picture.

Thanks for keeping the faith, my faithful readers, Happy Easter, Happy Knitting!!!!

Friday, March 25, 2005

Waiting for a little Silver to cross my palm

Well, dear readers, I hope you didn't think that I dropped off the face of the planet. I am having pop up trouble and using the internet has been a pain, to say the very least. Ha ha. Anyway, I have finished the back of my sweater and have started the right front. Yeah. It looks pretty good so far. I will take a picture and post it soon.

I also made three scarves. Two for my sister and one for a friend. I took pictures of the friends scarf as it came out very pretty. It was the first time I knitted two yarns together. I used Debbie Bliss Silk Alpaca and this cute fuzzy purple yarn from Moda Dea. Dream in plum. Very cute. I love the Debbie Bliss yarn. Too bad it is so expensive. I think I would only knit with that yarn for the rest of my life. Ha Ha.

And I ordered some yarn, Bernat silk, in Sterling, a silver color. For a sweater I want to make. I bought this cute pattern booklet from Leisure Arts, with like 4 or 5 sweaters in it that I would want to make. And they all use worsted weight yarn. There is a cute wrap sweater, a jacket with a pleat on the back, a ribbed sweater, and scoop neck pullover, that I would make and several others that I wont. The sweater I will make first(the ribbed sweater) used the Bernat silk in Sterling, and it looked so pretty, I decided to use exactly what they used. This is rare for me, as I usually hate the color or the yarn they use. Lets hope this turns out well. I am tracking the package. LOL. In anticipation.

I will post a picture of what it should look like when I am done. So stay tuned folks, the best is yet to be. Keep knitting with a smile on your face. Bye for now.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Quickie Update

Well, here I am again. I have been a little neglectful of my knitting as of late. But, I have still managed to knit about half of the back of the sweater. So slowly, but surely, I will finish it.

My sister wants me to knit her another scarf, so we will be yarn shopping this week. Also, a friend of mine's birthday is this month so I thought I would make her a scarf as well. That shouldn't take too much time away from the sweater.

Well Happy Knitting!!!!!!!!!!

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