Tuesday, February 22, 2005


sleeves Posted by Hello

Here they are. My first set of sleeves. Yes, they don't match. I decided that since the yarn has an ombre pattern I would not try to match any of it. So the stripes will be all over the place, but I think that it will have a nice look to it. Plus the colors when seen as an overall effect just look aqua.
Look below for an added treat. Happy Knitting!!!!!

close up of sleeve Posted by Hello

Surprise Poncho

poncho Posted by Hello

Here I am wearing that poncho I redid. Thought you'd never get to see it. Well, truth is I wasn't planning on posting it. I am not totally sure I like it. But, it is really cold today and as I was about to post the pictures of the sleeves, I put on the poncho for warmth. It is really warm despite the holey pattern i used. And so I decided on the spur of the moment to post the picture. Doesn't look too bad with the T-neck. The colors go nice together. Anyway, let me know what you think. As I am not 100% sure I like it.

Another Day Another Sleeve

Ok Ok so about a week later, I am almost done with my other sleeve. I took a detour doing something else and neglected my knitting. For like a week. But I started up again on the sleeve and it is almost done. Just like 6 more rows to go at the top where you decrease so should be fast. I will try to post a picture of the sleeves, finished or not tonight. They look cool. Well my sweater will be handy with the cold weather so must finish it

We have been having a lot and I mean a lot of rain here. Yesterday we had a little flash flood down the street. Water was coming up over the sidewalks. Had to move the car or would have been flooded. Glendale(city where I live) has declared state of emergency because of houses on the hills sliding down. Lots of mudslides. Luckily we live in a spot where we are safe. Those poor people on the hills. So much to lose.

Well, see ya tonight with the pictures. Worth waiting for. Until then Happy Knitting!

Monday, February 14, 2005


Don't hate me because I'm making a sweater. Ha Ha. Remember that ad for Pantene ages ago. Anyway(did I reveal my age with that? Well, you are only as old as you think you are and that means I am still 18 or maybe I should be 21 so I can drink.) So. I am making a sweater. Yup, my first sweater. I am very excited about it. I started on a sleeve. I wasn't sure if there is a part you are supposed to do first, probably the back, but who cares I decided to do a sleeve so it wouldn't seem so intimidating. Not that it really is, but when you haven't made anything like this before it can seem a huge task.

I am about half way done with the sleeve. It is a very simple design that I got from the Knit It mag. It's a shawl collar cardigan that was originally in Kool Wool from Lion Brand. As I am totally itchy with wool I am making mine with Homespun from Lion Brand in Waterfall, which is a light aqua with purple and dark aqua and maybe some gray, but it is hard to tell it looks sort of purply gray. Anyway I think it will be beautiful. Cardigan's are great for LA weather, because layers are key. It can be hot outside, but cold inside in the air conditioning. Same for winter(if you want to call it that) It can be hot in the afternoon, but cold in the morning and evening, so something that easily goes on and off is perfect. So, needless to say I am very excited. Enough of the blog onto the knit.

P.S. I will post a picture of the sleeve, sometime, soon.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Just gathering wool.

I've been thinking, my friends, what makes a WIP a UFO. How much time does the dreaded transformation take? Is it a matter of time? Maybe. Maybe not. Difficulty. Yarn choice. Color. Attention span. I think it is a complicated combination of some or most of the aforementioned.

I read a blog today by the designer of the Mariah on knitty.com,
Jodi Green. She has ten, yes TEN, projects that haven't been finished. (Obviously she is in totally different league.) I on the other hand have been obsessing about the one hat that I haven't finished besides the poncho that I am currently working on. I have bought some new yarn to make a sweater jacket-cardigan thingy with, and have yarn for a vest, some hats and various other things. And yet I am constantly thinking of new things I would like to knit.

It is hard to get myself interested in the yarn I already have. I want new yarn. Why is that my friends. Just a short time ago, that was new yarn. It is not less pretty or less soft than it was before. Perhaps I think too much and should just shut up and knit.
So let it be knitted, so let it be done.
(That is a mutated quotation from the movie THE TEN COMMANDMENTS said originally by the hunky and bald (and no less hunky because he was bald, Yul Brenner.)

Monday, February 07, 2005

DEVO-ted to knitting

WIP it good Posted by Hello

Oh Dear Readers, I am so good to you that I decided to post my first WIP picture. (Really it is to liven things up a bit. I mean really. Two posts without pictures? Who would continue to read this if there were no pictures?

This is the poncho to be. A few more inches and this panel will be done. Then another just like it. Then a little attachment and viola... A poncho. Sorry this is so short, but I need to eat and then walk the doggie. Duty calls my friends. Then maybe some knitting. Let's Hope!!!! Happy Knitting to all and to all a good night.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Disaster Diverted

Well dear readers we have some new developments. I finished the poncho made out of Raspberry Divine only to realize that I really don't like the pattern I used. I basically knitted a rectangle which you then fold in half. Then sew up one of the sides halfway for the neck. So what you get is a sort of lopsided poncho. Then you were supposed to put fringe on one side. Very asymmetrical. Ok, that is fine but when I finished I hated it. I mean the yarn was cute but the lopsided was not. So, yes dear readers I frogged it. Yup, now I am going to make another poncho with the same yarn, which is really Divine. This one will be two rectangles sewn together. Much better.

I thought I might be upset at finishing a whole poncho then deciding to tear the whole thing apart, but I am really happy about it. Now I get to knit another poncho with yarn I really love. So all's well that ends well. And that's all for now dear readers as I must do laundry and then start the new poncho. Happy Knitting!!! :)

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